ABOUT founder Maria . . .

Salamatu Maria Kanbong was born in Vienna, Austria, but there has never been any doubt in her heart, of her roots: Ghana.  Maria and her father realized the vision they both shared – to serve Christ by caring for children.  With her connections in Austria and his vast knowledge and connections in Ghana, they founded Fumbisi Christian Children Foundation.

A plot of land was donated upon which to build the Fumbisi Christian Children’s Center, eventually serving as a kindergarten, clinic, school, and orphanage. But this dream is still to be fulfilled. Much is needed, yet, to the completion of this plan.

Maria writes:

About me

“My name Maria Kanbong. I was born Vienna and raised Austria and Ghana. My parents are originally from Ghana, West Africa. My mother is from the capital city of Accra and my father is from the village of Fumbisi.

My parents came to Vienna in 1966, so my father could start his college studies in economics for which he later received his doctorate. I was born to them in 1967.

In 1994, through the painful experiences.  I looked for the meaning of life. It was in that pain that Jesus stretched out His hand to save me and my entire life was changed. I gave up my dream career, of becoming a building contractor after receiving my engineering diploma, as God instilled deeply within me an even greater dream. Now I am driven to share His great love with others, to be His arms of love to others and most especially to children.

The emptiness of the life was filled. What a treasure to no longer struggle to belong . . . to the black community or to the white community . . .  always striving to be loved by people. I wish that you, my reader, could understand how much the Lord did for me and how it feels to look into the mirror and say, “Yes, I know and feel that Jesus loves me, just the way He made me.” To feel His beauty inside, outside, and around me, and that I am saved, signed, and sealed in His love, is impossible to convey with words.

You might think I am exaggerating to make promotion for God, but He definitely does not need me to do that. Just allow me to share what is my joy to even be alive. I pray one day we will meet.

There is one main Project in Fumbisi;  the next Project is to provide a home for street children, especially for girls, in Accra – now in progress.

These projects are a catalyst to the encouragement of the rest of Ghana, as a light to the nations. Keep these dedicated souls in your prayers.”


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“Jesus said, Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven
belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14

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